How healthy is your Hypoallergenic Siberian Cat?
An annual veterinary visit is more than a must for every Siberian Cat but it is only the starting point in looking after your cat's health. It is your job as an owner to check on your pet regularly and identify any early warning signs of any possible health issue.
Our strong and healthy male, VinniMur Roquefort, at the garden.
If you learn how to recognise what is normal and healthy for your Hypoallergenic Siberian Cat and pay attention to it being a good observer, you will be able to identify any suspicious change.
Because their survival instinct against possible predators, our Forest Cats are masters at masking their pain. So we must have our eyes wide open.
There are some at home very effective checks that can tell you how healthy is your Hypoallergenic Siberian Cat:
One of the very easy and important signs that you can recognise is any change in your Siberian Cat routine. If your pet stops eating or drinking, sleeps too many hours, does its business so rare or low its energy level, go to your vet, your hypoallergenic cat is not feeling well and needs professional help.
Checking different parts of your Siberan Cat's body can tell you some health issues in an easy, fast and effective way.
1. Eyes. They should be always bright and look alive. The white of the eye should be just white. If you spot any red or different colour tinge, it can tell you that something is wrong.
2. Noise. It's said that a dry noise means a sick cat but that is not true, the noise can be either dry or wet but it should never be extremely dry or with thick mucus.
3. Ears. Have a look inside and outside the ears of your Siberian Cat to detect any possible rare sign. Check that your cat doesn't have excessive wax, bad smell, scrapes or redness.
4. Teeth and Gums. Open your cat's mouth and check the teeth looking for any signs of missing or cracked teeth. Pink gums are a sign of health. The smelling breath should no be unpleasant, it can be a sign of periodontal disease.
5. Skin and coat. Your Hypoallergenic Siberian Cat should show a nice and bright coat hair. Check its skin looking for wounds or scabs. If you see small dark black spots in the skin or coat may be fleas and your cat needs treatment.
6. The rest of the body. Inspect any other part of your Siberian Cat body and record any change so that you can report them to your vet.
When your Siberian Cat is at rest, its respiratory rate should be regular and approximately 20 to 30 breaths per minute. A normal heart beats from 140 to 220 per minute at rest. Stress and diseasses can cause elevated respiratory and heart rates.